Rabu, 18 Juni 2008

hmmm.. still junk post

Tomorrow, I will back to home and then to SMA TN to attend Prasetya Alumni, a ceremony for brand new alumni.

Yeah, finally I can come home although it will only for four days (Mr. Edi just gave me four days permission, and it still minus two for TN's Prasetya Alumni in Magelang), and after that, I have no time to back home again for a long time since after IPhO on 20-29 July, I have to be at Singapore before 4 August, for my first lecture at NTU. And it will be tiring if I back to Solo, so I will go to Singapore from Jakarta, with Nino.

It sucks, but yeah it's better than none at all.

Our final exam results have been announced and my friends got good scores (taking into account that we're absent from classes for about half a year), they can achieve around 90% from the final score.

but I still don't know about mine, too lazy to ask my teacher :D (how to make someone like me become a diligent one?)

Btw, tonight is the firefox download day, and I was forced to download the firefox 3 by someone who said "Oh, it's my precious" after he finished downloading the firefox 3 in his "precious" mac (he corrected this part to "macbook MB403LL/A" for a reason that it will not clear which version of mac he has, guess who is he, although it's easy for TOFI 2008 :D )

and this English-speaking --you will clear what I mean if you read my post titled english-time-- thing is very consistent, so I can't resist to join in. It feels good if you're surrounded by consistents people like these english-speaking ones (plus they who used to be here, I miss them). Hardly ever seen such consistency in common people.

And I have a plan not only to post junk anymore, due to two persons critics. I will post something that I know although you still can google it and get much more articles.

well, that's my post with my poor English, and I wanna say happy-four-days-minus-two-holiday for myself :D

Sabtu, 07 Juni 2008

damn mobile

gw pernah bilang HP baru gw bikin males? sekarang HP gw lebih sakti, HP gw bisa bikin gw sakit (cuman pilek sih, tapi tetep nyebelin..)

di depan laptop semaleman selama tiga malem, gw pikir itu udah cukup bwt ngebuat orng kena sakit pilek, apalagi di musim hujan kayak gini. dan percaya ato ga (gw juga baru nyadar waktu nulis posting ini) kalo hal yang gw lakuin di depan laptop itu, cari2 program2 .jar yang pengin gw masukin ke hp gw yang ujung2nya gw pikir ga' guna trus gw buangin, jadi bener2 wasting time. oh ya, ditambah cari2 artikel tentang hp baru gw.

Ini yang gw benci kalo gw punya barang baru, keingintahuan gw yang berlebih buat ngutak-atik yang bikin gw lupa waktu.

ya, sekarang gw udah mau tobat, tapi gw masih tetep susah bwt merbaikin jadwal tidur yang udah kegeser parah. yah, tobaaaaatt, ga mau kecewa besok di Vietnam, belajar!!! semangat!!!

Selasa, 03 Juni 2008

english time

bad news from gs. I'm trapped between english-like speaking people. I don't know how these people can made an agreement to speak english all-day long, but now everybody try to speak english that i'm not sure if that's english.

one of them argued that he need to learn the true english before infected by simplified english since he will take his udergraduate in singapore, and the other said that they need to improve their english before going to vietnam.

i'm okay with all that, but i think we need someone who really know english so we won't develop our own version of simplified english, and fortunately, we have Mr. Hendra Kwee to do that.

and beside these english-like speaking boys, i also have one who always send me a kanji+kana when i chat (not really chat, just talking nonsense and always short, because I don't know what he mean). I don't know whether his computer can't write alphabet like this (I doubt about this) or he wanna make me confused (this is more likely to be true).

ah, well, this is my first time posting in english. and maybe you can see, how poor I'm in english (especilally in word choice and grammar), but i'll try to improve it.